Sunday, November 16, 2014



Yo, have you even heard of a weblog or a blog, weblogs or blogs? If you have, then you should be familiar with blogging at blogspot, -the Google blogger -  and perhaps even know how to make a blog. But if you haven't and you wish to make easy money online, read further and I will show you how. I started out when I was retrenched. 

The bills were coming in and I had no idea how I was going to make ends meet. Everyone seem to be making money online, which frustrated me bigtime because the internet was inundated with get rich quick schemes all of them wanting me to venture money that I don't have. Perhaps, you can relate to my situation. To cut a long story short, I decided  to start an AdSense blog. So without over thinking it, I started writing blogs for money. 

Most people searching for blog sites look for ways to make money online but the best blog sites teach blogging and diligence because the money will soon follow, surely but slowly. I must emphasise slowly because no blogger became rich overnight and I will tell you why.


When you start a blog - which you get absolutely free at - you begin with a single page blog that you will monitize and hope surfers will visit. Bearing in mind this single page blog will carry a maximum of three adverts which Google Adsense displays on your blogs. 

Because its a new page you would be very lucky if you get more than 20 visits on its published date which again depends on the subject. To get visitors to see you blog site you need to submit it to Google's Search Engine and after their spiders index your blog site it will be searchable. This can take several weeks. 

In the most unlikely event that  500 visitors land on your blog site and each stay for 1 minute, then the amount of money that you would have made is miniscule because of the media billing rule called CPM. CPM stands for clicks per thousand (M represents 1000 in Roman numerals). Google CPM is 5 cents.

Before you say I'm wasting your time and that this is no way how to make money fast, consider what would happen if the single blog page became 100 pages over a period of time while you stared at minimum 10 other blog topics which will eventually each have a 100 pages. 

Suddenly you have 1000 pages with a total of 3000 ads. If you blogs become popular you will get thousands of visitors per month. You will be paid for page visits and  when visitors click on those ads attached to your pages,  Google Adsense will pay you a percentage of the revenue they make from those advertisers ads.

Initially it would be a little but after a few years you could be getting an income greater than the average person working 40 hours per week. I need to emphasise, do not click on your ads attached to your blog sites because every mouse click is monitored and recorded by analytical software run by Google. 

If you are found to click on your ads, Google will expel you from the Adsense program and never allow you back. Initially you will sign an undertaking that you will not click on your ads and honesty is the best policy.

Now its time for you to 'start your own blog' In the next blog we will discuss 'blogging sites', bloggs,

Thursday, October 30, 2014




Understanding the Consistency of Small Dividends: In the ever-expanding landscape of the digital age, the allure of making money online has captivated thousands of individuals worldwide. Among the myriad opportunities available, one avenue stands out: blogging for profit. While the dividends may appear small at first glance, the key lies in their consistency—a characteristic that sets blogging apart as a viable means of earning income over time.

The Google AdSense Dream: For many aspiring bloggers, the mention of making money online conjures visions of Google AdSense—a program that allows website owners to display targeted advertisements and earn revenue based on clicks or impressions. The appeal of passive income streams generated through AdSense has prompted countless individuals to embark on the journey of creating and monetizing their own blogs.

The Search for AdSense Success: It's no surprise that Google AdSense features prominently in online searches, with keywords like "adsense" and "Google adsense" attracting thousands of curious individuals seeking to unlock the secrets of online earnings. The allure of AdSense lies in its simplicity and accessibility, offering an entry point into the world of online monetization for bloggers of all backgrounds and experience levels.

Consistency in Small Dividends: While the dividends earned through AdSense may initially appear modest, their true value lies in their consistency over time. Unlike traditional forms of employment or investment, where income may fluctuate or require significant upfront capital, blogging for AdSense offers a steady stream of revenue that accumulates gradually with each click or impression. It's a testament to the power of passive income and the potential for long-term financial growth through consistent effort and dedication.

Navigating the Challenges: Of course, the journey to AdSense success is not without its challenges. From building a loyal audience to creating compelling content and optimizing ad placement, bloggers must navigate a myriad of obstacles on the path to profitability. However, with patience, perseverance, and a willingness to adapt and learn, many find that the rewards far outweigh the challenges, as they watch their blog evolve from a hobby into a sustainable source of income.

Beyond AdSense: Diversifying Income Streams: While Google AdSense may be a popular choice for monetizing blogs, savvy bloggers understand the importance of diversifying their income streams. From affiliate marketing and sponsored content to digital product sales and membership subscriptions, there are countless opportunities to expand revenue streams and maximize earnings potential. By diversifying income sources, bloggers can mitigate risk and unlock new avenues for financial growth and stability.

Conclusion: In conclusion, while the dividends earned through blogging for AdSense may be small, their consistency over time makes them a valuable asset in the pursuit of financial freedom. By embracing the principles of patience, perseverance, and diversification, bloggers can harness the power of passive income to achieve their financial goals and unlock new opportunities for success in the digital age. So, while the road to AdSense success may be long and winding, the rewards await those who dare to embark on the journey of blogging for money.